Michelle Obama delivered a speech at the 2024 Democratic National Convention and implored us to DO SOMETHING and reminded us that it is “up to all of us.” Consider this page to be your volunteer resource tool. Below are links to organizations and programs looking for help. All have been listed on our in the past two months. We all know what we need to do, so contact one of these groups or volunteer with us, Mt Airy Democrats.
Mt Airy Democrats – acts to increase voter engagement, voter registration, and turnout in Mt Airy. We are an outgrowth of the 22nd Ward Open Caucus. To help us with this election, up and down the ballot, complete the Mt Airy Democrats Volunteer Form.
Turn PA Blue – concentrates of supporting state legislative candidates, especially in our neighboring counties. Go canvass with them.
Promote the Vote PA – reaches out to voters via phone and text to provide one-on-one support and guidance on the voting process, as well as training sessions.
NextGen PA – the organization to contact if you want to register college students.
PA Dems Voter Protection Team – offers a number of opportunities on Election Day, ranging from poll observer, early vote monitor, canvass observer, phone banking, and voter assistance hotline. Philadelphia alone needs 1000 volunteers. For more information email: voterprotection@padems.org or visit their Voter Protection webpage.
Indivisible Philadelphia – is our local chapter of Indivisible, founded in 2017. It focuses on education, voter registration, canvassing, postcarding, and text banking on the neighborhood level.
Philly Neighborhood Networks – is active this campaign cycle in both canvassing and postcard writing. Canvassing will be focused on East Mt Airy and Germantown. Postcarding will be typically done on Thursday afternoons. They like canvassing using a buddy system.
Swing Blue Alliance – this Massachusetts group has come to the center of the political universe, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to canvass and register voters.
Mobilize – is an platform that lists local political events and volunteer opportunities used by nonprofits and Democratic candidates and organizations. Learn who is doing what in our community, then sign up.
The Philadelphia Voter Engagement Calendar lists many of the events and training activities sponsored by the DNC, PA Dems, and the groups listed above, all listed on Mobilize.